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Music Therapy related links

American Music Therapy Association

World Federation of Music Therapy

Association for Music & Imagery

Hong Kong  Music Therapy Association

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)


Expressive Arts Therapy related links

International Expressive Arts Therapy Association ​

Focusing and Expressive Arts Institute

Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong


PIMI related link

H3 Touch


Video links

Self-Help Resources (COVID-19)

Cantonese version

Mandarin  version

English version


Case sharing

Mental Health Nurse (GIM)

Music Educator (GIM)

Group (FMI)

Nursing  Students (FMI)



Music World Horizon: 23 Music Business Stories



Use of GIM to nurture self-compassion in a mental health nurse: A case study


Faculty of Nursing alumna uses music therapy to care for clinical nurses



Over Forty Wellness by Vincent Hiscox 


Training events 

2020: Circle of the Self

2022: Music Breathing




Consent Form (Telehealth)



Books on Expressive Arts Therapy

Levine, S and Levine, E (Eds.) (1999). Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy: Theoretical ad Clinical Perspectives. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Malchiodi, C(Ed) (2005). Expressive Therapies. New York, London: Guildford Press

McNiff, Shaun (1992). Arts and Medicine: creating a Therapy of the imagination, Intro and Part Two, Dialoguing and Other methods, Shambhala, Boston, MA

Rogers, N. (1995). The Creative Connection: Expressive Arts as Healing. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behaviour Book Inc.


Books on Music Therapy

Grocke, D. (eds.). (2019) Guided Imagery and Music: The Bonny Method and Beyond (2nd Ed.). Dallas, TX: Barcelona Publishers.

Bruscia, K. (1998).  The dynamics of music psychotherapy. Barcelona Publishers.

Davis, W., Gfeller, K. & Thaut, M. (2008) (3rd edition). Introduction to Music Therapy: theories and practices. Boston, Mass : McGraw-Hill.

Dileo, C. (1999). Music therapy & Medicine: Theoretical and clinical applications. American Music Therapy Association, Inc.

Goldberg, F. (1995).  The Bonny Method of Guided imagery and Music, Chapter 5 in The Art and Science of Music Therapy: a Handbook. Edited by Wigram, T., Saperston, B. & West, R. Hardwood Academic Publishers.

Grocke, D. & Wigram, T. (2007). Receptive Methods in Music Therapy: techniques and clinical applications for music therapy clinicians, educators and students. Jessica Kinsley Publishers: London & Philadelphia.

Thaut, M. (2005) Rhythm, music and brain. Taylor & Francis group


Books on Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT ®)

Rappaport, L. (2009). Focusing-oriented art therapy: Accessing the body’s wisdom and creative intelligence. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Rappaport, L. (Ed.) (2014). Mindfulness and the arts therapies: Theory and practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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