We are a Hong Kong based company, specializing in providing music and wellness related services. Our specialties include Focused Music Imagery (FMI) / Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) , Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT) and Parent Infant Massage Instructor (PIMI). We believe that music is a source of wellness.
Our mission is to promote personal growth, self-compassion and creativity to those who have challenges and needs in life, aged 16 or above adults in Hong Kong, using FMI, GIM and FOAT. It is our aim to improve your quality of life and bring insights to those who have challenges in health, interpersonal relationship, spiritual and transpersonal areas. That is why we also include services, such as teaching baby massage class to parents with new-born baby. Our belief is to serve our clients as a whole, as one cannot separate the physical needs from the mental one.
Meanwhile, we will design a special service for you individually or a workshop/training program for your corporation/non-profit organization. We will have specific workshop to manage the job-related depression, stress and facilitate team building.
Angela Shum RN, MT-BC, MTA, HPMT
我們的使命是通過音樂想像(MI)/音樂想像導向(GIM),以及聚焦導向表達藝術(FOAT),為那些16歲或以上,當中正面對挑戰和有需要的香港成年人,提升他們個人成長,自我同情和創造能力。我們的目標是改善他們的生活質素,並為那些在身體健康,人際關係,精神和超個人的領域上遇到挑戰的人,提供另類的輔導服務。我們的信念是服務整個人, 包括身心靈,因為我們無法將身體與精神的需求分開。這就是為什麼我們還會提供其他服務,例如為有新生嬰兒的父母教授嬰兒按摩課程。
finding your inner self

If you are
questioning your working performance
losing enthusiasm at work
dissatisfied with your interpersonal relationship
grieving for the loss of your loved one
overwhelmed by life's changes and transitions
involved in a complex romantic relationship
depressed, anxious and worried
struggling with life threatening illnesses
searching for life's meaning and purpose
seeking personal growth, spiritual and transpersonal insights
yearning for creativity and spontaneity
wondering yourself at retirement
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Therapist information

Angela Shum has been a registered nurse for more than 10 years, working in health care setting across different countries and cities, including Hong Kong, Canada and USA. Her nursing clinical experience has been extensive in various settings, including hospital, nursing home and university. She has worked with clients in the area of oncology (bone marrow transplant), surgery, medicine (cardiology) as well as geriatric (Dementia/Alzheimer).
After she earned her master degree in expressive therapy (specialize in music therapy and mental health counseling), she worked as a music /rehabilitation therapist at the Provincial/State hospitals in both Canada and USA. She has experiences working with clients having needs in dementia, forensic psychiatry, problem gambling/addictions, stroke/traumatic brain injury and developmental disabilities. Presently, she is residing in Hong Kong with the passion of educating psychiatric nurses about music imagery, GIM & expressive arts therapy/ (FOAT) and promotes this approach in the health care setting and organizations.
Professional Title/Credentials
RN Registered Nurse(Hong Kong)
MT-BC Music Therapy Board Certified (USA)
MTA Music Therapy accredited (Canada)
FAMI Fellow of Association of Music & Imagery
HPMT Hospice and Palliative Care Music Therapy
Professional Training
Neurologic Music Therapy training, Colorado State University
Hospice and Palliative Care Music Therapy
Music & Imagery, Anna Maria College Institute for Music & Consciousness
Guided Imagery of Music, Therapeutic Arts Institute
Music Permanence Wellness
UCLA Gambling Studies Program
Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT ®)
Academic Qualifications
Lesley University (MA, USA) M.A. in Expressive Therapies
(specializing in Music Therapy and Mental Health Counselling)
University of Alberta (BScN, Canada) Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Teaching Experience
Adjunct clinical associateship/visiting lecturer, School of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Nursing Instructor/ visiting lecturer, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Visiting Lecturer, Hong Kong Community College
Other Training/Qualifications
Certified Laughter yoga leader
她持有護士學士學位及表達藝術( 音樂治療 ) 碩士學位。她曾在香港, 加拿大及美國任職註冊護士及音樂治療師的工作, 並擁有超越20年的臨床經驗, 包括腫瘤科 (骨髓移植), 外科, 內科 (心臟科) 及老人科 (老退化症) 和中風, 腦創傷,賭博,犯罪精神科等等。她曾在香港理工大學任教護理臨床督導老師, 並且在香港理工大學和香港大學擔任碩士課程的客席音樂治療老師, 擁有豐富的臨床及教學經。她亦在本地非牟利機構內, 服務有各種成癮問題的公眾人士。她主力推廣音樂想像, 音樂想像療法, 聚焦表達藝術於本地醫療機構, 企業及非牟利機構, 並提供工作坊和培訓。
加州大學洛杉磯- 賭博輔導培訓

Specialties 專業
Please click on the following button for details descriptions of each speciality

Here For You
Books on Expressive Therapy
Levine, S and Levine, E (Eds.) (1999). Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy: Theoretical ad Clinical Perspectives. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Malchiodi, C(Ed) (2005). Expressive Therapies. New York, London: Guildford Press
McNiff, Shaun (1992). Arts and Medicine: creating a Therapy of the imagination, Intro and Part Two, Dialoguing and Other methods, Shambhala, Boston, MA
Rogers, N. (1995). The Creative Connection: Expressive Arts as Healing. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behaviour Book Inc.
Books on Music Therapy
Bruscia, K., & Grocke, D. (eds.). (2002) Guided Imagery and Music: The Bonny Method and Beyond. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers.
Bruscia, K. (1998). The dynamics of music psychotherapy. Barcelona Publishers.
Davis, W., Gfeller, K. & Thaut, M. (2008) (3rd edition). Introduction to Music Therapy: theories and practices. Boston, Mass : McGraw-Hill.
Dileo, C. (1999). Music therapy & Medicine: Theoretical and clinical applications. American Music Therapy Association, Inc.
Goldberg, F. (1995). The Bonny Method of Guided imagery and Music, Chapter 5 in The Art and Science of Music Therapy: a Handbook. Edited by Wigram, T., Saperston, B. & West, R. Hardwood Academic Publishers.
Grocke, D. & Wigram, T. (2007). Receptive Methods in Music Therapy: techniques and clinical applications for music therapy clinicians, educators and students. Jessica Kinsley Publishers: London & Philadelphia.
Thaut, M. (2005) Rhythm, music and brain. Taylor & Francis group.
Books on Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT ®)
Rappaport, L. (2009). Focusing-oriented art therapy: Accessing the body’s wisdom and creative intelligence. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Rappaport, L. (Ed.) (2014). Mindfulness and the arts therapies: Theory and practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Art & Medicine
2102 Workingfield Commercial building,
408-412 Jaffe Road
Hong Kong
By appointments only

50 years of
Improve your quality of life
health, interpersonal relationship, spiritual and transpersonal
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